Mending Fences
Mending Fences is a podcast about dispute resolution and effective ways to communicate and live across differences. Hosts Patrice Brymner and Jennifer Hawthorne are both family mediators and collaborative law attorneys, but their conversations go well beyond family law. They explore the personal, interpersonal, legal, and cultural impact of conflict. Intro/outro: "North Oakland Extasy," by Squadda B
Mending Fences
This Will Cost How Much?
Patrice Brymner
Season 1
Episode 11
Money can be hard to talk about. Accurately predicting the cost of a dispute resolution process might be impossible. So, how can you and your attorney or mediator have useful talks about what a given process might cost? Jen and Patrice walk through the factors that make cost estimates so difficult. They also talk about a variety of billing practices and the importance or keeping communication about money open.